OfficeMax is offering up some awesome freebies for MaxPerks Rewards Members! Through October 23rd, OfficeMax has lots of FREE School Supply type items available (items will be free after 100% MaxPerks Bonus Rewards). Keep in mind that these MaxPerks Rewards offers are only available online and are limited to 6 each per member. Be sure to enter your MaxPerks ID card # when you make your purchase online!
If you’re not a MaxPerk member, no worries…head over here to sign up or sign up at your local OfficeMax store or by calling 1-866-MAXPERKS. The MaxPerks program is open to teachers and businesses.However, ANY one is eligible for a MaxPerk’s business membership…you do NOT have to own a business to choose this option (I did verify this fact and was told by customer service that it was completely fine to sign up for a business membership even as a student or a stay-at-home mom).
Also, be sure to spend $50 on the products above and you’ll snag free shipping! …AND don’t forget that you can use your MaxPerks Rewards to purchase gift cards! 
**To sweeten these deals even further, go thru Shop at Home get 4% Cash backfrom your OfficeMax purchases! Just go on over here and login or register, then in the search box type in OfficeMax.
(Thank you, hip2save!)
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